Monday, November 29, 2021


This is coolbert:

Here with more on the refusal of the OKARNG [Oklahoma Army National Guard] commander refusing to enforce a mandated vaccination order [Covid-19] from the Pentagon.

Courtesy the Internet web site The Expose'.

"US Pentagon Threatens to “Decertify” Oklahoma National Guard if Commander Doesn’t Reverse Ban on Covid Vaccine Mandate"

"The US Defense Department is allegedly threatening to ‘decertify’ the Oklahoma National Guard after its commander, on approval of the state commander-in-chief, Governor Kenny Stitt, issued an order instructing his troops that they will not be required to comply with Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate."

"On November 12th, The Oklahoman posted some background on the situation. They wrote that the head of the Oklahoma National Guard, new Adjutant General Thomas Mancino, updated the guard’s Covid-19 vaccine policy, stating that no members would be required to get the jab. This information was shared in a memo which was obtained by The Oklahoman, noting that 'no negative administrative or legal action will be taken' against troops who refuse the vaccine."

Decertify? Unprecedented? Never heard of such a thing. Troops doing their monthly weekend drill will not be paid?

See previous blog entry the same topic.


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