Sunday, October 24, 2021


This is coolbert:

An old idea brought back to life? The military autonomous nuclear reactor providing power on demand?

From the Internet web site "The Drive" in both instances and thanks to same.

1. "The Military’s Mobile Nuclear Reactor Prototype Is Set To Begin Taking Shape"

Courtesy the article by BRETT TINGLEY 

"Project Pele is one potentially revolutionary, albeit controversial, answer to the military's growing battlefield energy requirements."

"The Office of The Secretary of Defense (OSD) has requested $60 million dollars for Project Pele, which is aimed at developing a new, transportable nuclear microreactor to provide high-output, resilient power for a wide variety of Department of Defense (DOD) missions"

2. "This Alaskan Air Base Will Host An Experimental Mini Nuclear Reactor"


"The military hopes its new mini nuclear reactor will lead to new battlefield energy capabilities and help power its sprawling installations."

"The U.S. Air Force recently announced that it has picked Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska as the base to host a new small nuclear reactor as part of a pilot program. The U.S. military, as a whole, together with the Department of Energy has been increasingly looking into micro-reactor designs as possible ways to meet ever-growing electricity demands, including for units on the battlefield,"

Consider none of this to be brand-new pie-in-the-sky never coming to fruition as envisioned.

See this topic as covered in prior blog entries:


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