Wednesday, August 25, 2021


This is coolbert:

One-way mission 1945. Japan bio-warfare USA. San Diego.

Have heard of the Japanese balloon attacks USA during WW2 but not kamikaze planes delivering plague.

"Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night"

As envisioned by the evil Japanese doctor Ishii the plan was to bomb San Diego USA with insects carrying plague. Plague as a product of weaponized lethal biological agents, courtesy Unit 731.

"Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night . . . was a 1945 plan developed by Shirō Ishii to wage biological warfare upon civilian population centers in Southern California in the United States during the final months of World War II"

"During the last months of the war, Ishii was preparing for a long-distance attack on the United States with biological weapons. The operation, codenamed 'Cherry Blossoms at Night', called for the use of airplanes to spread plague in San Diego at night . . . Five of the new I-400-class long-range submarines were to be sent across the Pacific Ocean, each carrying three Aichi M6A Seiran aircraft loaded with plague-infected fleas. The submarines were to surface and launch the aircraft towards the target, to drop the fleas via balloon bombs or crash in enemy territory. Either way, the plague would then infect and kill thousands of people in the area."


* Authorization to wage bio-warfare USA could only have given by the Emperor himself.

* Ceramic bombs as dropped containing infected fleas shattering and releasing the insects unscathed.

* Fu-Go balloon attacks the entire project highly ineffectual.

Original intent of the I-400 submarine to carry and launch aircraft the target of which was the Panama Canal. Never happened! I have often wondered why!


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