Thursday, August 26, 2021


This is coolbert:

The situation at the Kabul airport deteriorates markedly. Suicide bomber kills and maims.

Courtesy the tip from Commander Salamander.

"Suicide bombing kills, injures several at Kabul airport"

"Two explosions near Kabul airport, one of which was a suicide bombing, have killed at least 13 and injured over 60."

As is thought that suicide bomber an affiliation with the Islamic State - Khorosan.

"The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province . . . is a self-proclaimed branch of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) active in South Asia and Central Asia, though ISIL denies any connection. Some media sources also use the terms ISK, ISISK, IS-KP, ISIS-K or Daesh-Khorasan in referring to the group. The Khorasan group has been active in Afghanistan and its area of operations also includes other parts such as Pakistan, Tajikistan, and India where some individuals have pledged allegiance to it."

See previous blog entry the Islamic State Khorosan and the Afghan connection:

This is all rather intuitive, isn't it? That airport becomes a battleground no more Americans or other foreign nationals will be able to leave the country. Land-locked nation and those marooned left to the tender mercies of the revengeful Taliban and Islamic State.

Something got to be done and fast!


1 comment:

  1. The Marines Have Landed And The Situarion is

