Thursday, June 10, 2021

Virus 19.

This is coolbert:

Personally I am perplexed by all this. Incomprehensible actually. I do not know what to say.

American Gulag? Pariah? Cadets at the military academy West Point refusing inoculation outcasts?


"West Point, the famed military academy, is treating unvaccinated cadets like prisoners! That’s according to one woman we spoke with who says her son and four other cadets are living in gulag-type conditions."

"To the best of our knowledge, West Point is subjecting cadets who refuse the vaccine to be quarantined in their rooms 23 hours a day for a total of seven days. The military academy labels these cadets as, 'susceptible' to getting Covid-19, while at the same time refusing to test them for the virus. Their mandate is to just isolate them from society rather than seek the truth by testing these, 'anti-vaxxers' for the virus."

As I have said prior, according to the best of my knowledge and personal experience military personnel USA cannot refuse medical treatment. Medical treatment so broadly defined as to mean and sort of prophylactic medicine [to include any and all vaccines as mandated by command].

The cadets USMA are not required to get the vaccine?  Army personnel in particular accoeding to what I have read only 14 % fully inoculated against the virus COVID-19.

Normally the military leader in such medical treatment. Just stand in line and get your battery of shots. I guess not so this time?


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