Thursday, June 10, 2021


This is coolbert:

The French do it. The Americans do it too!

See previous blog entry. Also think not merely PARTS. Think rather entire SECTIONS.

From Strategy Page Internet web site and article with a specific paragraph extracted.

"Attrition: Cannibalizing SSNs For Parts"

"The U.S. Navy was also the first to keep an older SSN in service by replacing a damaged section of one with the same section from a recently retired boat. The work took two years and cost $79 million. The expense was justified by the fact that damaged [USS SSN] San Francisco had recently (2002) completed a mid-life refueling and upgrade that was to keep the boat in service until 2017. The San Francisco is still in service and expected to be retired later in the decade. This is because in 2016 the San Francisco was withdrawn from sea service and, for at least ten more years, given a stationary assignment as one of two moored training ships for new Los Angeles SSN crew"

"replacing a damaged section of one [submarine] with the same section from a recently retired [submarine] boat."

The French do it but the Americans do it first!

Read the episode of the damage to the USS San Francisco. Ran into an undersea seamount while traveling underwater at high speed. Miracle the boat did not sink with all hands lost.


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