Tuesday, April 13, 2021


This is coolbert:

Armistice/peace talks/compromise settlement in 1916? The Great War. Never heard of such a thing. Seems I am not alone.

All devoted readers to the blog and those merely perusing in a casual manner I strongly suggest without reservation or qualification the embedded podcast in the # 1 link below. Please listen. Even a MUST! Also thanks to War on the Rocks.

1. "The Greatest Unknown Tragedy of World War I".

The German in the fall of 1916 proposing to the American government a negotiated and compromise settlement to the Great War [WW1]. President Wilson as the mediator. A proposal favorably advocated by Wilson. A proposal never coming to fruition however.

Go listen for yourself.

2. Here read the entries at a forum a discussion of how such negotiations might have transpired, the concessions made, etc.

In the aftermath of The Somme, Verdun, Jutland a stalemated war was obvious to everyone, even the Kaiser. Consequences of a settlement in 1916 beyond comprehension?

No Hitler, no Stalin, no WW2? With all that means. The world order as it exists today far different.


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