Saturday, March 27, 2021

W.H. Lamon.

This is coolbert:

Courtesy Freeper and the archive headline from the New York Times [1861] tensions as described Fort Sumter continue to escalate.

"IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE: LATEST REPORTS FROM FORT SUMPTER; FROM CHARLESTON: Affairs at Fort Sumpter; Editorial-The Tariff and Secession (3/26/1861)"

New York Times archives – Times Machine ^ | 3/26/1861

"Civil War Expected in Texas and Alabama. About the New-York Appointments. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION. COL. LAMON AT CHARLESTON. CHARLESTON, Monday, March 25. Col. LAMON had an interview with Gov. PICKENS and Gen. BEAUREGARD, this morning, and left in company with Col. DURYEA for Fort Sumpter. The opinion is prevalent that Major ANDERSON will evacuate Fort Sumpter on Wednesday of this week. However, the time is to be determined."

This Colonel Lamon not a military man. A U.S. Marshal and appointed so by Lincoln to act as a personal emissary to the Confederates, engage in dialog and discussion. 

At this point in time evacuation of Fort Sumter still seen as a possible! Augustus Fox and the SS Baltic making steam south. 


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