Friday, September 11, 2020

Light Brigade.

This is coolbert:

Continuing more info on the historical marching ability of light infantry. Again a blog entry edited and re-posted. 

"The forced march of Brigadier-General Craufurd’s Light Brigade to Talavera on 28/29 July 1809 to join Sir Arthur Wellesley’s army is a matter of legend."

"a distance of 42 miles [68 kilometers] in 26 hours, including halts, has become generally accepted."

"The march was conducted in the extreme heat of an Iberian summer on poor roads and tracks with the soldiers carrying heavy packs, their weapons and ammunition"

"On Friday 28 July the Light Brigade set off at around 4 a.m. from Navalmoral at what was to be the start of their forced march of 42 miles in 26 hours . . . By noon, the Brigade had marched 21 miles [34 kilometers] since leaving Navalmoral."

"Craufurd ordered a halt during the heat of the day before setting off on the final 21 miles [34 kilometers] of the march at around 5 p.m. A further two-hour halt took place during the night before the Brigade eventually reached the battlefield at Talavera at dawn (6 a.m.) on Saturday 29 July."

The Light Brigade with band playing and flags flying however ARRIVING TOO LATE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BATTLE OF TALAVERA.

ALSO that percentage of troops that fell by the wayside during that forced march was? Those individuals unable to maintain the pace and left behind considerable or otherwise. That number of significance too!

I would have thought that the necessity of the Light Brigade being present at Talavera at the insistence of Wellington that those English soldiers made to march in a "stripped" manner.

Carrying only rifle, ammunition, bayonet, canteen filled, and nothing more!

Speed march to the battlefield., further impedimenta dropped and loaded on wagons following behind. Walk a mile, run a mile, walk a mile, run a mile, etc. Continue at that pace until the objective reached. THIS WAS NOT DONE?


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