Tuesday, May 26, 2020


This is coolbert:

Here with a blog entry that was fast-tracked.

More desecration of war memorials. A despicable action that must be universally condemned. Pittsburgh, PA. USA.

"Pittsburgh War Memorial Vandalized with Red Paint"


"A war memorial in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has been vandalized with red paint on Memorial Day".

"The memorial is known as the World War I Doughboy, located at the 'Y' of Penn and Butler Streets in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh, was covered in red spray paint, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported."

The message painted onto the memorial read, “JUNE 19, 1986, GLORY TO THE DAY OF HEROISM.”

KDKA reported that there also appeared to be hammer and sickle logo sprayed onto the memorial.

Possible motive to include:

* JUNETEENTH [19 June] the special significance.

"Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Cel-Liberation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865. On this day, after almost two and half years since the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation, enslaved African Americans were informed of their liberation from the slavery present in the former Confederate States of America"

* Peruvian prison massacres. Suppression of rioting Peruvian Maoist insurrectionists.

"The Peruvian prison massacres occurred on June 18–19, 1986, after a series of riots in the San Pedro, Santa Mónica, and El Frontón prisons in Lima and Callao. The military repression of these riots resulted in the loss of at least 224 lives."

See previous blog entries [with additional embedded links] the topic war memorial desecration:




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