Monday, October 31, 2016

Refused III.

This is coolbert:


NOT in the last one-hundred years have Russian warships been REFUSED REFUELING RIGHTS?

More than one-hundred years probably? NOT since the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 has there been such an occurrence?

I am thinking of the sailing and voyage of the Russian 2nd Pacific Squadron en route to destruction at the Battle of Tsushima.

Enormous quantities of coal needed for refueling and the various world powers both refusing transit and additional supplies!

Read for yourself:

"Russo-Japanese War: The 18,000-mile voyage"

"the large 2nd Pacific Squadron needed an enormous amount of coal—about half a million tons for the whole voyage—with no ports of its own along the route for resupply. Britain of course would never assist; France imposed restrictions on the amount and timing of resupply at its ports; Kaiser Wilhelm at last offered a solution. Colliers of the Hamburg-Amerika line would meet the Russian vessels at points along the way to supply a total of 60 cargoes of coal."

The pre-Dreadnought class of warship of the period needing a constant replenishment of coal, coaling-stations what they were called a requisite element of empire as that term understood during that era.

"col-lier  noun  1. a ship for carrying coal."

The Russian then [1905] and now [2016] lacking an ability for replenishment of fuel and supplies while at sea?

Latakia in Syria  is the destination of those Russian warships? More than anything else this is a show of world geo-political muscle flexing on the part of the Russian? Just from a practicality standpoint it seems the situation could be more easily handled.


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