Monday, October 31, 2016

Refused II.

This is coolbert:

From MARCONI through Harry and dated as of 27 October and as copied largely in entirety..

Continuing with discussion, those Russian warships en route to Syria REFUSED refueling rights!


"Spain cancels permission for Russian warship refueling in Ceuta.  The Spanish government has canceled the authorization that had been granted to a fleet of Russian warships, headed by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, to make a stop at the Spanish enclave city of Ceuta on its way to the eastern Mediterranean."

"The ships had been due to refuel and to take on water and supplies at the North African port."

. . . .

     "NATO has been keeping a close eye on the battle group since it sailed out of the Arctic port of Severomorsk several days ago.  The fleet is being monitored by two NATO Standing Maritime Groups, the first of which is led by Spanish frigate Almirante Juan de Borbon."
"The Russian ships were also shadowed by two Spanish patrol boats as they made their way along the Spanish coast and passed through the Strait of Gibraltar on Wednesday morning.  The Russian Navy regularly docks at Ceuta: more than 60 of its vessels have used the port since 2011.  It provides a boost to the local economy"
"The Spanish Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday that permission for such stops was granted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the ship involved and any possible security risks but on this occasion, the authorization had generated controversy."



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