Saturday, October 24, 2015

Justin Trudeau.

This is coolbert:

Continuing with extracts from the latest issue of the DEBKAfile newsletter:

Politicians at work. Beware!

1. "Canada ends bombardment of ISIS in Syria and Iraq"

21 October.

"Canada's new prime minister Justin Trudeau has ended his country's bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq."

That coalition of forces arrayed against the Islamic State now MINUS one member. Canadian air force elements withdrawn at the command of the newly elected Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Justin is a pacifist or a man who eschews Canadian foreign involvement?

2. "Assad leaves Syria for first time in civil war to meet Putin"

 21 October.

"Syrian president Bashar Assad flew to Moscow for talks with Vladimir Putin."

Bashar, this is what we have in mind for you. Just OBEY. And do so cheerfully.


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