Saturday, October 24, 2015

Blue Flag.

This is coolbert:

Yet more from DEBKAfile. Confusion and chaos! Unprecedented even! BOTH ON THE GROUND AND IN THE AIR!

"Twelve air forces crowd Syrian skies. Israel-Russian hot line may channel coordination"

18 October.

"On Sunday, Oct. 18, Russian and Israeli air force headquarters near Latakia in Syria and Tel Aviv began practicing procedures for using the hot line they established last week to coordinate their operations in Syrian skies. This was the first bilateral coordinating mechanism established since the Russians stepped up their air operations over Syria, although 12 air forces frequent Syrian air space in the absence of functioning sovereign government control . . . Arab-speaking [??] flight controllers will no doubt man the Russian end of the hot line at Al-Hmeineem, while US and other Western air controllers will join Israeli officers at the Tel Aviv end to coordinate their own flights over Syria with the Russian command. An excellent opportunity is provided for this informal procedure to go into effect by the joint US-Israeli bi-annual Blue Flag air exercise that began Sunday at Israel's southern air base at Ovda."

In this particular instance Blue Flag will be seen as a pretext for even more widespread American and Israeli joint combat activity vis-a-vis the Syrian Civil War?


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