Monday, February 9, 2015

Stalingrad & Kobani.

This is coolbert:

Russian triumphalism as seen at Itar-Tass!

"Victory in the battle of Stalingrad"

"Historic battle of Stalingrad fought between July 17, 1942 and February 2, 1943 heralded total defeat of Nazi troops and full victory over Nazism"

This Soviet troop is wearing some sort of body armor? And is wearing too the amoeba type of camouflage battle dress. Most Soviet soldiers went into battle at Stalingrad wearing a cloth cap?

"On February 2, 2015 Russia celebrates 72nd anniversary of major battle of World War II. Historic battle was fought from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. It heralded total defeat of Nazi troops and full victory over Nazism, after which German forces never regained the initiative in the World War II"

Juxtapose this picture of the damage at Stalingrad in the aftermath of the battle with those much more recent images of Kobani.

See also these additional photo essay blog entries here and here regarding the damage as done to modern cities the devastation of urban warfare most terrible!

Atomic weapons not always needed!! Nobody ever said this was going to be easy!


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