Thursday, November 20, 2014


This is coolbert:

Some update on more low-profile instructions and orders for military personnel. EUCOM = European Command. Low-profile for American military personnel off base in the U.S. and now Europe also.

1. "EUCOM bars troops from wearing uniforms off base"

"STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. European Command has ordered all troops serving on the continent to refrain from wearing uniforms off base except when they are commuting to work in their personal cars or on base buses. The directive, which was sent to respective service components on Nov. 10, was expected to be in full effect at bases across Europe by Tuesday as part of an effort to ensure the safety of personnel, EUCOM said. In addition, EUCOM recommended that all personnel review their individual social media accounts make sure they don’t reveal too much personal information on their geolocation functions..."

Also that knife attack at the submarine base, Groton CT, USA not a case of amok. Much more mundane and pedestrian.

2. "Man Charged in Knife Attack at Groton Navy Base"

Brunache the accused knife wielder it seems either mentally deranged or extremely angry or just the disaffected individual.

"The man accused of 'swinging a knife' and assaulting officers at the Groton submarine base Thursday evening will remain in federal custody until a detention hearing scheduled for noon Wednesday."

. . . .

"Brunache, who said he went to the base to see his brother, walked from Norwich to the Navy base around 7 p.m. Thursday. He became frustrated when officers at the main gate on Crystal Lake Road wouldn't let him in and began 'swinging a knife' at Officer Brian McCarthy, according to the NCIS officer who filed a complaint against him."

NOT merely swinging a knife. The one guard was indeed STABBED!


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