Sunday, January 8, 2012

Top Ten!

This is coolbert:

Here thanks to NewsMax and as reported by Arnaud De Borchgrave originally gleaned from the "The Preventive Action's annual report":

"The Preventive Action's annual report for 2012 . . . a wide selection of more than 300 government officials, policy analysts, academics and journalists for their confidential feedback."

Threats to the United States and the world order as send by a collection of persons-in-the-know. NOT a finished document as published by an intelligence agency but rather opinions, analysis, observations, and evaluations UNCLASSIFIED and presented for perusal to the general public!

"Top 10 Threats of 2012" By Arnaud De Borchgrave

"These are the top 10 that directly threaten the U.S. homeland and are likely to trigger U.S. military involvement":

* "A mass casualty attack on the U.S. homeland or on a treaty ally."

* "A severe North Korean crisis"

" A major military incident with China involving U.S. or allied forces."

* "An Iranian nuclear crisis"

* "A highly disruptive cyber-attack on U.S. critical infrastructure"

* "A significant increase in drug trafficking violence in Mexico that spills over into the United States."

* "Severe internal instability in Pakistan triggered by a civil-military crisis or terror attacks."

* "Political instability in Saudi Arabia that endangers global oil supplies."

* "A U.S.-Pakistan military confrontation, triggered by a terror attack or U.S. counter-terror."

* "Intensification of the European sovereign debt crisis that leads to the collapse of the euro, triggering a double-edged transatlantic crisis."

"Happy New Year!" And thank you Arnaud!

Mr. De Borchgrave originally a Belgian citizen of minor nobility, having to relinquish his title when assuming American citizenship!

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan number 1 and number 2 respectively on the list of nations that most concern the U.S.? Saudi instability triggering a global economic melt-down from a disruption to the world oil supply, atomic weapons falling into the hands of disreputables the result of Pakistani crisis, governmental neglect and disintegration, etc.

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." - - Matthew 24:6


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