Sunday, January 8, 2012


This is coolbert:

A recent successful cyber attack directed by anonymous hackers against Israeli web sites and servers has elicited a very strong and threatening remark from the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon.

"Deputy FM threatens 'forceful response' to cyber attacks"

"Ayalon hints at aggressive Israeli reaction to online leak of credit card numbers belonging to thousands of Israelis. 'US announced that any attack on its cybernetic space would be considered a declaration of war,'"

" . . . Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Israel will view such cyber attacks as 'acts of terror' and will 'retaliate forcefully against hackers who undermine Israel's cybernetic sovereignty.'"

" . . . Ayalon said Israel must 'send a message to all those who have hurt or plan to hurt Israel – in cyberspace as well – that they would be hurting themselves. They will not be immune to Israeli retaliation.'"

Terrorist act! Retaliation! Israel!

And my instantaneous response was kidon or depth command or a combination of both! Kidon that section of the Mossad that is referred to as: "the long arm of Israeli justice"! Kidon best translated as BAYONET! The active strong-arm head-knocker group of Israelis that operates overseas against those that threaten Israel in some manner.

Force of course may be interpreted as retaliation in kind. Threaten our computers and we threaten yours.

If I was a hacker working as part of a group or even a "lone wolf" attempting to be anonymous and find such hacking to be a lark that is a power trip, a "rush", be very careful when attempting to "hack" an Israeli computer or server, router, or otherwise. That "long arm" can be very long and is very patient and has a memory that does not forget. I merely state facts.

When Danny speaks that is NOT mere rhetoric!


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