Monday, December 5, 2011

Daood Gilani II.

This is coolbert:

Daood the conclusion.

"A Perfect Terrorist". The infamous saga of Daood Gilani, better known to the world as David Coleman Headley.

"PBS FRONTLINE will bring live online 'The Perfect Terrorist', the investigation into the mysterious rise of David Coleman Headley." [for those able to witness this program, I recommend it highly, without qualification!!]

This particular public broadcast as seen on Frontline in the USA not mentioning the connection to the Kinsman IL. USA halal goat/sheep ranch and slaughterhouse as owned by Rana and Gilani! [the property and facility according to my informants now back up and running with new ownership!]

Once more thanks to The Hindu from only a short time ago we have the allegations that during a reconnaissance as done during a visit to India - - the self-admitted and confessed terrorist Daood Gilani showing an interest in Indian nuclear facilities. Those assassins perpetrators of Mumbai not content with the mere murders of hundreds but also having intentions if possible for the GRAND EVENT! [attack on a nuclear facility with all that would mean!]

"Headley carried out surveillance at nuclear plant"

"David Coleman Headley, the Mumbai attacks accused, visited a nuclear power plant in India, at the direction of his handler in Pakistan, Major Iqbal in April 2008"

Nuclear facilities similar to those found near Kinsman IL. USA and described in my blog entry from almost two years ago now. Again I address my concerns.

That Grand Event of course an attack of an apocalyptic nature causing widespread devastation on an unprecedented scale the ultimate nightmare for those persons in Homeland Security who I hope are on the ball and doing their jobs!!

Even after Daood and Rana are now behind bars hopefully for the remainder of their lives, SOMEONE has taken notice of that goat/sheep ranch and taken the proper precautions? I am downwind almost directly from that triangle as formed by the MOST NUCLEAR SPOT IN THE USA!! My concerns and fears are not mere paranoia but are a real issue?

ONLY sseveral days ago the weather pattern was such and could be observed on the NEXRAD radar showing that absolutely WORST possible wind direction for a nuclear catastrophe, Braidwood/LaSalle/Dresden the prevailing winds carrying deadly nuclear radiation toward the Chicago metropolitan area [8 million persons].

You take it from there!


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