Thursday, October 20, 2011


This is coolbert:

Continuing from a previous blog entry with more images of the Hezbollah militia. Described by the one-time # 3 man at the FBI as the BEST LIGHT INFANTRY IN THE WORLD!

The one particular black and white image thanks to the photographic expose of Hezbollah by Bryan Denton.

Hezbollah militia very well turned out, uniformed, organized, a state-with-a-state, proxy fighters for Iran - - BEST in the sense of being able to perform the mission of light infantry but much more than that, even capable of autonomous operation in a variety of capacities beyond the duties as normally associated with the soldier?

Hezbollah flag bearers giving that stiff-arm fascist like salute favored for some reason!

Hezbollah is Shia in orientation. This image taken at the Ashura commemoration so important to Shia? Martyrdom, mortification of the body and self-sacrifice are important concepts within Shia. Note these guys are barefoot!

Graduation class for Mahdi Scouts. Thanks to Bryan Denton. Training program for Cubs, Scouts, Rangers. That clasping the belt with both hands and the high-stepping type of march is common to Arab armies of the area. Mahdi refers to the savior, the anointed one within Shia belief.

Hezbollah with the backing of Iran HAS been able to create a very effective fighting force that presents a smart turn-out with organizational flair, confronting Israel with a menace that did not exist prior to the Israel incursion into Lebanon - - 1982! Hezbollah succeeds in a manner in marked contrast to other Arab irregulars such as the PLO!


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