Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gadhafi & Kony.

This is coolbert:

The Colonel in Libya is no more! After forty-two years, GONE but hardly forgotten.

Thanks to

"Pulled from drain pipe, Gadhafi was shown no mercy"

"SIRTE, Libya (AP) — Dragged from hiding in a drainage pipe, a wounded Moammar Gadhafi raised his hands and begged revolutionary fighters: 'Don't kill me, my sons.' Within an hour, he was dead, but not before jubilant Libyans had vented decades of hatred"

"The death Thursday of Gadhafi, two months after he was driven from power and into hiding, decisively buries the nearly 42-year regime that had turned the oil-rich country into an international pariah and his own personal fiefdom."

The Colonel at the end not showing much class, looking quite pathetic for a man that walked in a big way on the world stage possessing pretensions of glory as the man once did, albeit much of it smoke and mirrors, an act. But a murderous act for his own people most of the time.

"Decades of hatred." "His own personal fiefdom." "No mercy."

The Colonel having staying power by his being able to control: * Money. * Education.

AND using FEAR as a weapon, in the manner of the typical despot, the dictator who rules by force, not so much beloved of his people but feared by his people.

Gadhafi also described as a man with a pretty good IQ, NOT a man of average or mundane intellect but rather having some smarts!

This Joseph Kony the commander of the Lord's Resistance Army too is thought of as a "madman" but such a characterization is incorrect? NOT a crazy person but as with the Colonel having a good head on his shoulders, smart in a way that surprises, an above average IQ, very manipulative, cagey and cunning, a calculating and malevolent mentality that should not be underestimated? I fear it is so!


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