Saturday, October 1, 2011


 This is coolbert:

Another success in the GWOT? Thank to the tip from JihadWatch.

So it would seem. The top dog in all of Yemen, that terrorist leader most assosciated with Al Qaeda in Yemen, the Muslim cleric and native born American, Anwar al-Awlaki, killed in a drone strike, a Hellfire missile once again the weapon of choice. A convoy of vehicles of which Anwar and his colleagues were passengers tracked, targeted and destroyed!!

[recall that the ancestral home of Osama was Yemen! The connection between Al Qaeda and jihad is very strong?]

"The strike . . . killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni-American cleric who had been key to recruiting for the militant group and a Pakistani-American, Samir Khan, who was a top English-language propagandist."

Killed along with Anwar was another native born American, Khan, described as: "a top English-language propagandist". And too now dead in the same drone attack this man? Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri [Ibrahim the Syrian?]. This death of Ibrahim not confirmed but thought to have happened? I have not seen this reported anywhere else!

Ibrahim a top [?] bomb-maker felt to be responsible for three failed attempts to "down" American airliners with concealed bombs. [a case could be made that Ibrahim was not so "top" having three failures and no successes!]

Ibrahim also responsible for the attempt to kill with a "body bomb" this Saudi Prince. Another failed attempt that nearly succeeded. A "body bomb" INSIDE THE BODY CAVITY OF HIS BROTHER! A bomb remotely detonated using a cell phone? The incident resulting in injury but not death to the Prince.

"al-Asiri turned his younger brother, Abdullah, into a human bomb in a 2009 attempt to kill Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the kingdom's top counterterrorism official and son of its interior minister."

The death of all three men at once either a sign of gross incompetence or perhaps overweening over-confidence? Hard to say but to get three "birds" with one stone [a Hellfire missile] is indeed a rare occurrence!


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