Saturday, October 1, 2011

Flight 870.

 This is coolbert:

I have been hoping that with the overthrow of the long-time despotic regime in Libya, this particular incident from over thirty years ago will be cleared up. Documentation and details of what exactly occurred will become public?

And perhaps the issue has been resolved. Previously secret Libyan documents regarding the incident have been found and now released to the public?

This all involving the shoot-down of the Italian Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870.

"Libyan secret documents said to uncover Ustica tragedy… and how Gaddafi escaped to Malta unscathed"

An air battle involving Libyan MiG-23 and unidentified adversaries [French?], resulting in the shoot-down, inadvertent, of the Italian airliner - - that most crucial evidence, one of those MiG found much after the fact, no valid explanation given as to the presence of the MiG with dead pilot so far from home.

Thanks to a Russian aviation web site for this info!

A Libyan MiG-23 found crash landed on an Italian hillside - - the pilot inside dead [and deceased for some time when found] - - the Libyans NOT even in the least curious as to what exactly happened to their missing warplane or aviator.

And an incident intrinsically associated with the tragic shoot-down of an commercial airliner flight over the Mediterranean! The events as transpired at the time NEVER fully explained or made public!!

In totality and complete from the Russian web site:

"On July 18, 1980, the wreckage of an LARAF MiG-23MS was found on the northern side of the 6,328ft (1,929m) high Mount Sila, in the middle of the Italian province of Calabria. The pilot's body was found still strapped to his ejection seat, and on his helmet, was the name, Ezedin Koal."


"The investigation discovered that the pilot had been dead for at least 15 to 20 days, which linked the Mid to the mysterious crash of a Douglas DC-9 jetliner on June 27, 1980, near the Italian island of Ustica. Theories about the involvement of Koal's MiG-23MS in that incident vary: according to some, 1. Koal crashed while trying to defect having become disorientated during the night flight; others say, 2. Koal shot the DC-9 down or that the DC-9 was shot down by air-to-air missiles fired by NATO fighters that were pursuing him; while 3. the third main theory suggests that the MiG-23 probably collided with the airliner as it tried to fly tightly underneath in order to evade pursuing NATO fighters. In short, it is not known what that MiG-23MS was looking for so far away from Libya and north of Sicily!"

And from the wiki entry: "According to the Italian media, documents from the archives of the Libyan secret service passed on to Human Rights Watch after the fall of Tripoli, show that Flight 870 and the Libyan MIG were attacked by two French jets."

Wrong! That Flight 870 ONLY "attacked" in an inadvertent manner, not deliberately, an air-to-air missile gone off course, hitting an unintended target with very bad consequences, total loss of life, those persons caught in a cross-fire of dueling combat aircraft. As to the reasons why these warplanes were in the vicinity and fighting it out mano-a-mano, that also is source of much speculation as yet unresolved!

The tragedy involving that Italian airliner, the theories, conspiracy theories, and counter-conspiracy theories widely varied but now will be put to rest, the truth finally and unequivocally established beyond doubt?


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