Monday, May 9, 2011

Red Dog.

This is coolbert:

Here with a modern example of the filibuster. The gringo behaving badly south of the border, this time an attempted coup d'etat, a "military action" directed against the Caribbean island of Dominica.

A group of Americans and some [?] Canadians described variously as white supremacists, white separatists, white nationalists, neo-nazi elements, seeking to establish an English-speaking North American enclave favorable to their interests, a "mercenary army" hoping to install a compliant ruling figurehead - - run roughshod over the locals - - take advantage of a situation.

This was Red Dog! [1981]

"Operation Red Dog was the code name of plan by Canadian and American mercenaries, largely affiliated with white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan groups, to overthrow the government of Dominica, where they planned to restore former Prime Minister Patrick John to power"

An enclave where a variety of questionable businesses could be run for profit: "tourism [prostitution?], gambling, offshore banking, and timber logging".

I would have to think too, crooked gambling, crooked offshore banking and money laundering, drugs and drug smuggling, illegal timber logging. The gamut from soup to nuts.

"[the] mercenaries . . . were arrested in New Orleans as they prepared to board a boat stocked with weapons and ammunition to invade the island nation Dominica in what they would call Operation Red Dog."

"The invasion was intended to restore former prime minister Patrick John to the mostly black Caribbean island."

Patrick John felt to be an amiable dunce and stooge that would be enthrall to "North American interests", the figure-head despot while the real money and power operated behind the scenes.

The filibuster modern version.

Red Dog did not even get off the ground and was amateurish and almost clownish in nature, the participants [there seems to have been about a dozen total?] of lightly armed "mercenaries" arrested, tried and convicted in violation of the Neutrality Act, given three year prison sentences.

These guys just "stepped in it" with bad results. Probably the government was onto them from the start, and their military expertise was basically NIL! Perhaps a group of professionals would have done better, but these guys were just outta their league.


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