Friday, May 6, 2011


This is coolbert:

As we are all by now aware, Osama bin Laden has finally been run-to-ground and killed - - justice done!

NOW with a small part of the REST of the story! A small part but the truthful part, and you the devoted reader to the blog will be informed in a manner that others are not.

Controversy over the use of the "code-name" for Osama has arisen? The use of the name Geronimo is a point of contention, almost a punador [point-of-honor], something worth fighting over?

The tribal chairman of the Ft. Sill Apache nation, Jeff Houser, is on record as saying that the use of the name Geronimo is disrespectful in the extreme.

Read too the comments of the conservative American Indian blogger David Yeagley regarding this matter.

NOW for the rest of the story. Thanks in this case to William:

"WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING! bin Laden's code name was "JACKPOT" and the operation was NOT called "Geronimo".. Geronimo was the codeword for SUCCESS!! Geronimo EKIA= Success!, Enemy Killed In Action. If we keep making issues out of things we haven't RESEARCHED, they end up being frivolous and sooner or later, we lose ANY possibility of having a voice PERIOD! AGAIN, GERONIMO MEANT the mission was completed SUCCESSFULLY, Not the codename for bin Laden..NOR was it the code name for the operation."

Let me reiterate and make this perfectly clear - - "Geronimo was the codeword for SUCCESS!! Geronimo EKIA= Success!, Enemy Killed In Action".

Thank you William.

And William too is 100 % correct. "WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING!" "If we keep making issues out of things we haven't RESEARCHED, they end up being frivolous and sooner or later, we lose ANY possibility of having a voice PERIOD!"

PERIOD! Again - - well spoken William. Your powers of eloquence dwarf my feeble efforts at this exact moment and are much appreciated!


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