Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is coolbert:

"speed was better protection than armor"

From the wiki entry some indications that the German Storm Trooper of the World War One [WW1] era was deliberately so an unencumbered troop.

A "stripped" down soldier NOT carrying into battle an overly large amount of gear. Rather - - carrying the minimum necessary to accomplish the mission. AND every effort and some thought having gone into the process to make the "load" of the soldier as light as possible.

"Stormtroopers (in German Stoßtruppen), 'shock troops' were specialist soldiers of the German Army in World War I . . . trained to fight with 'infiltration tactics'"

Those stormtroops volunteers one and all [?], selected from among the most fittest, able soldiers, those that had displayed daring and initiative previously on the battlefield, persons of proven worth and reliability. [no man over the age of 25 years!]

A German stormtroop from 1918. Helmet,
sub-machine gun and pistol and that is it.
Those weapons using compatible 9 mm ammo
more than likely. That tunic has lots of pockets
for grenades? This is how [?] the stormtroop
would have appeared going into battle?

"the Assault Detachment also changed some of its equipment to better fit its new requirements."

Changes to include:

* "Lighter footwear".

* "uniforms were reinforced with leather patches on knees and elbow"

* "Special bags designed to carry grenades replaced the old belts and ammunition pouches"

* "the standard Gewehr 98 rifle was replaced with the lighter Karabiner 98a"

The stormtroop was expected to move rapidly and stealthily on the WW1 battlefield, NOT engaging the main force of the enemy, using infiltration tactics [movement by stealth and in small numbers], NOT loaded down as was the conventional soldier on the attack during the period, forward movement essential at all times, the more the soldier penetrated the enemy rear area the better. A kilo here and a kilo there an pretty soon all those small amounts of kilos add up.


* The combat boot as understood today was not worn by the troop of the WW1 era. Most soldiers wore a low-quarter "work" shoe instead of boot. And even then, stormtroops wore something less than that? Perhaps a "gym" type shoe of the Converse "One-Star" variety?

* Those tunics as worn by the German soldier had plenty of pockets to carry grenades and extra ammo? NO web gear, ammo pouches, etc. Lighten the load to the greatest extent possible. Re-inforced elbow and knee supports for the uniform were needed - - the stormtroop being required to do a lot of crawling!

* Stormtroops were taught to use captured enemy weapons and ammo. Rather than wait for re-supply the stormtroop was to move as quickly as possible forward even after penetrating the "front lines"!

* Body armor of the period was available but heavy and very bulky, not suitable for wear on the battlefield by a combat soldier. There were even armored shields available, a hand shield of armor plate the soldier could hold in front of his vitals as he moved in the open. Heavy, and it was felt speed was preferable over protection of this sort.

* If the stormtroop had to go hungry, be cold, wet, do without re-supply, that was considered to be part of the soldierly duty! Move quickly and perform your duty as understood with hardship was the German military ethic of the time!


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