Monday, March 21, 2011


This is coolbert:

"Russia has claimed that this version is equivalent to the early F-16.
It performed well against F-15 and F-16s of the USAF during
Indo-US joint air exercises."




This one did catch my attention right away.

The Indian Air Force, in DACT competition with those USAF contingents, faring quite well, and having as integral part of the exercise the MiG-21, the BISON version.

Bison is a variety of the MiG-21 totally unique to the Indian Air Force? Of this I am not sure.

That MiG-21 first began to enter the inventory of the Soviet Air Force in 1961 and is based upon a design and concept from the early 1950's!

Still going strong, with improvement having been made, the Bison now still a top-of-the-line interceptor aircraft.

An interceptor - - and it must be understood that way. The MiG-21 is very good as an interceptor, the air superiority mission, dogfighting and shooting down enemy fighter aircraft in mano-a-mano air battle. NOT a multi-role-combat-aircraft [MRCA]!

MiG-21 Bison.

"Upgraded version for export and Indian Air Force is the first customer. Armed with the (Spear) airborne radar, which is capable of simultaneously tracking 8 targets and engaging 2 of them tracked with semi-active radar homing air-to-air missiles . . . The radar also enable to fighter to deploy active radar homing air-to-air missiles . . . when an additional channel is incorporated."

The basic airframe with a souped up new jet engine plus new and vastly better avionics for firing improved versions of the earliest air-air missiles, the MiG-21 Bison in the role of interceptor able to engage at long-range and short-range [cannon fire] both!!

The MiG-21 is, however, not without fault. Has an inherent design flaw that makes it unstable when 2/3 of the fuel is expended. Tough to pilot at the END of a mission, many good pilots having met a bad end while on the final leg of a flight! Also "brews" up and burns to a cinder when a certain exact spot of the airframe is hit by an incendiary round. The Israeli were able to destroy many MiG-21 on the ground in 1967 - - the Israeli pilot on a strafing run knowing EXACTLY where to shoot for!

When used judiciously and in the correct manner, the MiG-21 still can be formidable as an air superiority fighter, even FIFTY YEARS after first being deployed!


1 comment:

  1. Evaluation of the merits of the MiG-21 (and the predecessor -17 and -19) against American fighters is a minor industry with a long history, dating back at least to the Vietnam war. In that conflict, the overall kill ratio from 1965 -73 was about 2-1 in favour of the U.S., including USAF, Navy and Marine scores. This ratio improved markedly in favour of the U.S. towards the end of that war, as the virtues of maneuovre combat were re-discovered and the appropriate training (e.g. "Top Gun") and tactics implemented.

    American analysts (and pilots) concluded that the 21 was a dangerous opponent that had the flying edge in certain tactical circumstances. The American response in terms of fighter design and procurement was to "have it both ways": the F-14 and F-15 were developed as the "heavy" fighters to carry on and enhance the role of the F-4, and the F-16 and F-18 (the original) were to be the dogfighters, capable of successfully mixing it up with the likes of the MiG-21.

    Today, the philosophy has shifted back to "one size fits all", with an emphasis on stealth and electronics, particulary in missile/ECM technology. How a fifty-year old MiG (however upgraded) fits into this combat environment is anybody's guess.
