Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is coolbert:

"War, oil shortages, global warming, nuclear bombs,
and economic collapse... All of it seems unlikely,
but don't you want to be prepared?"


Recall the admonitions made not so long ago now of the British Admiral Parry. The world order will begin to break down around the 2012. NOT a total collapse necessarily world-wide, but upheaval on a gigantic scale, occurring in many locales, far-flung. The reasons for such a collapse many, each and every particular break-down going to be unique.

A break down of the world order being precipitated by a natural calamity for instance, such as Cyclone Nargis, for instance.

That exact confluence of factors creating an unmanageable crisis that will spiral out of control and SPREAD! In the case of Nargis, Burma did not collapse, although I had thought there was a strong possibility of this happening.

And now with the business outlook on the total collapse scenario. A series of articles from the BusinessInsider web site, very prescient in a way we do not like to admit some times! The upheaval, the turmoil in first Tunisia and now Egypt being the catalyst for these news items.

Dissension, turmoil, upheaval! The organization of which is aided and abetted to a large degree by Internet connections, pervasive and put to good use by those involved:

"the social media factor, which has allowed protesters to circumvent traditional state run media sources and organize more efficiently"

1. "The 11 Countries At Risk of Becoming The Next Egypt"

"Egypt has been embroiled in political turmoil since protests, inspired by those that overthrew the regime in Tunisia, started last week."

"While Egypt, and its Suez Canal, have been worry one for investors world wide since last week, the next big question is whether this dissent could spread to other countries around the region, and world."

2. "The 25 Countries Whose Governments Could Get Crushed By Food Price Inflation"

[the food "crisis" and rankings based upon what is called Normura Index. Nomura's index is calculated using these three variables. The higher per capita GDP, the better the number, as consumers have more to spend. The lower percentage of income spent on food, the better. And the more food exported, the better, as it means there is excess for domestic consumption.]

"Food inflation is now a reality for much of the world. It contributed to the overthrow of the Tunisian government, has led to riots across the Middle East and North Africa, driven up costs in China and India, and may only be getting started."

Nations with teeming populations, extensive poverty, not able to feed their people with locally grown crops, having to import grain and other food stuffs at high prices, the inflated price due to DEMAND world-wide. Let us be clear about this too. There is not a shortage of food, it is that the demand has caused a rise in prices some can ill afford.

I notice that Bangladesh is the worst nation on the planet with regard to the rising cost of food. Enormous population unable to expand, crop land from time to time inundated by sea water from cyclones, NOT able to feed the populace from locally grown crops! Admiral Parry rated Bangladesh as the one nation on the planet most susceptible to breakdown of a cataclysmic nature!

AND if you decide to hide from the breakdown of the global world order, BusinessInsider does recommend a dozen places to flee to. Several of those "safe havens" I am personally skeptical about, international upheaval will be present almost everywhere, being an "ostrich" is probably not going to help you!

3. "12 Places To Go If The World Goes To Hell"

"War, oil shortages, global warming, nuclear bombs, and economic collapse... All of it seems unlikely, but don't you want to be prepared?"

"If you have to jump on a plane (or a boat or a train or a hot air balloon) and head for safety, you want to know where in the world you should go."

"We've selected places that we expect will remain fortresses of stability, safety, and prosperity no matter what the world throws at it."

Upheaval that will often result in WAR - - locally, regionally, globally! Incessant warfare that has not been seen on such an enormous scale since the end of World War Two?



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