Thursday, February 3, 2011

George Cross.

This is coolbert:

Here with a young English bloke that has done himself proud. I guess it is safe to say that as long as there are Englishmen such as this, there will always be an England!

Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher. Royal Marine Commando serving with 40 Commando in Afghan, behaving in a most courageous manner, saving the lives of his compatriots, awarded the George Cross. The second highest award possible for a Brit who has comported himself with great valor!

"The 26-year-old was awarded the George Cross after he flung himself onto a Taliban hand grenade to save his comrades during an ambush in Helmand Province in 2008."

"He was serving with 40 Commando when his patrol came under fire but he miraculously survived because his backpack took the force of the blast."

"L/Cpl Croucher became the most highly-decorated serving Marine when he received the George Cross for 'outstanding bravery not involving direct contact with the enemy'."

"Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher GC . . . is a member of the Royal Marines Reserve and recipient of the George Cross, the highest British (and Commonwealth) medal for gallantry not in the face of the enemy, for his extreme valour in risking his life to safeguard the lives of his comrades."

"The George Cross is awarded for the same level of bravery expected of a VC but is awarded when no enemy is present"

NO enemy was present, Croucher setting off a booby trap, himself taking in a deliberate manner the force of the blast, saving his comrades in the process! BUT NOT IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY! The Taliban were not in the vicinity - - not nearby.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances the Victoria Cross [VC] would have been awarded, the highest British military decoration that can be given for heroism in combat!

The awarding of the George Cross disputed! It is suggested that the Victoria Cross is more appropriate! According to the English Telegraph:

"Why Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher deserves a Victoria Cross"

"An expert on the Victoria Cross, Michael Ashcroft believes we should show our gratitude to Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher for his actions in Afghanistan."

[Michael Ashcroft is more appropriately Lord Ashcroft - - and acknowledged expert on the VC - - and is "a deputy chairman of the Conservative party."]

Read further of the George Cross and in particular the exploits of two recipients from the era of World War Two [WW2], the Australian troopers Hardy and Jones.

"The George Cross (GC) is the highest civil decoration of the United Kingdom . . . the highest gallantry award for civilians as well as for military personnel in actions which are not in the face of the enemy"

Heroics NOT in the face of the enemy - - or in the case of the Cowra Prison Breakout, NOT an armed enemy.


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