Friday, January 21, 2011


This is coolbert:

Kim versus the pirates. Kim one, pirates zero. The tip here from the Jungle Trader blog.

A victory for the good guys.

As reported in the New York Times, South Korean commando unit overpowers and kills Somali pirates holding a vessel and crew hostage. Punishment for the miscreants as in the old-fashioned manner, no mercy shown.

"South Korea Rescues Crew and Ship From Pirates"

"SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean special forces staged a daring early morning rescue on a hijacked freighter hundreds of miles [800 miles to be exact] off the coast of Somalia on Friday, killing eight pirates and rescuing all 21 hostages, the South Korean military said."

"The rescue began about 5 a.m. Friday . . . The commandos then confronted the pirates . . . in a battle that lasted five hours."

During the year 2010, the instance of pirate attacks on commercial vessels in the Indian Ocean HAS INCREASED! Piracy is a big time business now. That fleet of international warships on patrol not able to eliminate the piracy, but merely contain it. This particular report very troubling:

"Pirates in 2010 increased their attacks for the fourth straight year, taking more hostages than in any year on record, according to an annual report on piracy. The Piracy Reporting Center of the International Maritime Bureau said pirates had taken 1,181 people hostage and killed eight in attacks on 445 ships last year. At least 53 ships were hijacked last year, the bureau said."

Indian Ocean today, the world tomorrow? Let us hope not!


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