Friday, January 21, 2011

How & Why.

This is coolbert:

"By the 18th century, pirates knew exactly where they stood in relation to the law. A legal dictionary of the day spelled it out: 'A piracy attempted on the Ocean, if the Pirates are overcome, the Takers may immediately inflict a Punishment by hanging them up at the Main-yard End; though this is understood where no legal judgment may be obtained.'"

Here with some info from a variety of sources on the historical punishments as was administered to pirates of yore. And also the modern perspective on an age-old scourge which has enjoyed a revival that astonishes some.

1. " How pirates were punished"

"Ye and each of ye are adjudged and sentenced to be carried back to the place from whence you came, thence to the place of execution, and there within the flood marks to be hanged by the neck till you are dead, dead, dead, and the Lord, in His infinite wisdom have mercy upon your souls…After this ye, and each of ye shall be taken down and your bodies hung in chains…"

2. "Punishing the Pirates"

"The victim would be unable to breathe, and their skin would begin to turn a ghoulish shade of bluish-purple…. Within minutes the tongue would protrude from the mouth, the eyes would bulge from the many cases the prisoner lost complete control of their bladder and bowels…"

And finally - - from the online edition of the Wall Street Journal, a very learned article as to WHY we do not treat modern pirates as was done to those of "yore"!

3. "Why Don't We Hang Pirates Anymore?"

The civilized world is just that - - civilized? The modern conventions and international legalisms never contemplated a return to the old ways? A meeting-of-the-nations is needed, an effort to codify a new a modern approach to the punishment of modern pirates? Perhaps the old ways are the best ways? But for the squeamish stand aside!


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