Saturday, November 13, 2010


This is coolbert:

"miscellany - — n 1. a mixed assortment of items"

Here with some miscellany regarding U.S. Army MOS! Military Occupation Specialty [MOS]. The job the individual soldier is qualified in. Each and every "job" requiring some sort of skill or special training.

1. The only two MOS for in the U.S. Army which a soldier can be qualified by CIVILIAN education and experience are vehicle mechanic and military policeman. Experience and training in these two areas [mechanic or policeman] as a civilian qualifies you to perform the MOS in the military without further adieu!

2. The only MOS in the U.S. Army for which you CANNOT BE COMPELLED to perform your duty is Graves Registration. Those persons with MOS of Graves Registration having to "police" the battlefield, gathering the bodily remains or body parts of American soldiers killed in battle. Performing hasty burial in certain circumstances, or stabilizing the body for transfer to a military mortuary. Also burying enemy dead when required, quite often to prevent disease at a later date.

Graves Registration not normally a MOS sought out by the average enlistee! NON-combat duty nonetheless traumatic - - very stressful!


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