Friday, November 12, 2010

Green & Blue?

This is coolbert:

"he·gem·o·ny  - – noun
1. leadership or predominant influence exercised
by one nation over others, as in a confederation.
2. leadership; predominance.
3. (esp. among smaller nations) aggression or
expansionism by large nations in an effort to
achieve world domination."

Much has been written about the [purported] Chinese naval doctrine: "String of Pearls". Chinese naval bases and facilities located in the Indian Ocean - - allowing for a continued Chinese military presence, access to resources and an ability to protect same. A doctrine gaining ever-increasing importance as China emerges as an economic global player of almost overwhelming proportions.

Bases, facilities, access to same, located at:

* Marao - - Maldive Islands.
* Coco Island - - Burma.
* Chittagong - - Bangladesh.
* Gwadar - - Pakistan.

Less has been written about Chinese machinations in the Pacific Ocean. It should not be a surprise that the Chinese have not neglected those oceanic areas immediately adjacent to their coastal regions and too have "plans" for deeper waters previously solely the almost private domain of the U.S. Navy?

This is Green Line and Blue Line?

From the magazine "Sea Classics" - - a map indicating what are called:

"Chinese Navy's long range plans."

1. Green Line. Littoral [green waters?] over which the Chinese desire to establish hegemony and dominance? A line running north to south from Tsushima, west of the Ryukyu Islands, east of Taiwan, west of Palawan, to the very northern tip of Borneo.

Littoral [shallow green waters] within the Chinese sphere of influence, Chinese naval forces to be dominant.

2. Blue Line. Pelagic [deep blue oceanic waters] contested deep sea waters - - the Chinese naval presence to rival and threaten American interests in the area? A line running north to south from the Kurile Islands, east of Japan, through the Mariana Islands [Guam], southward to the point where the island of New Guinea is divided between Irian Jaya [Indonesia] and Papua New Guinea.

Pelagic [deep blue oceanic waters[] oceanic region, hegemony contested with the U.S. Navy AT SOME FUTURE DATE, A DECADE OR SO FROM NOW!

This is all speculation?

"Guam - - where America's day begins". And the most critical currently existing American outpost and military facility in the Pacific? As it was one hundred years and recognized as such, so it is today!!


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