Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here thanks to the SF Chronicle and the web site SF Gate, details of the negotiations, ongoing [?] between the central Afghan government of Karzai and parliamentarians of the Taliban.

Negotiations, however tenuous, at least a start to ending the war in Afghan with accommodation allowing for a settlement of some sort?

This all remains to be seen. American and NATO coalition forces allowing for SAFE PASSAGE of Taliban negotiators, on the traditional manner, safe passage a necessity for negotiations to even occur, much less be successful.

"Gen. Petraeus: Taliban get safe passage to talks"

"Commanding Gen. David Petraeus confirmed Friday that coalition forces have allowed Taliban representatives to travel to Kabul for peace discussions with the Afghan government, but a Taliban spokesman said all such talk is only propaganda, designed to lower the morale of the movement's fighters."

This is the way to solve the Afghan "problem". Negotiations leading to a cessation of hostilities, compromise on key issues leading to a truce, an armistice, and end to the war?

The traditional and tribal society of Afghan has NEVER had and probably will never abide a CENTRAL GOVERNMENT that rules with a heavy had, however well-intentioned. Authority and control exists at a decentralized level, always has, and this is perhaps for the best too.

Compromise and horse-trading, give and get are will achieve results that cannot be obtained on the battlefield?

The Taliban too are not a monolithic group, of only one mind-set. Factions do exist and can be exploited? Omar is not omnipotent? Are predominantly Pashtun and ARE not liked by the other racial and ethnic groups of Afghan, but in the proper context the various groups can get along?

This war is currently stalemated - - neither side able to prevail over the opposition - - not now and not for the foreseeable future. Negotiations allow for a resolution of the impasse! Karzai and the various Taliban leaders both realize this?

This makes sense if all interested parties proceed in good faith!! And that DOES remain to be seen!


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