Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is coolbert:

"The shadow of Providence (Vorsehung) fell too on that fortified line of Muhlen, on those lakeside cliffs, on the five-hundred-year-old-firs of the beloved ancestral land and where the Russian 2nd Army was now so violently and so vulnerably advancing to this place the united forces of Slavdom had come in 1410 and shattered the Teutonic Knights near the little village of Tannenberg."

"Half a millennium later fate had so arrange things that Germany could exact retribution (das Strafgericht)" - - A. Solzhenitsyn.


The shadow of Providence [GOD] not merely figurative but actually literal.

A total eclipse of the sun, 21 August 1914, the path of totality actually passing over the advancing Russian forces, East Prussia, the ancestral land of the Teutonic knights and so many of those Junkers that comprised the senior military leadership of Imperial Germany. 

Ancestral land threatened as it had been five hundred years earlier, the Battle of Grunewald.

The German in East Prussia executing a retreat almost panicky in nature, the forces Imperial Russia closing in again in a manner appearing to be overwhelming and unstoppable. This all prior to 21 August 1941.

The total eclipse of the sun, the path of totality in particular, darkness at midday - - and other celestial phenomenon for that matter - - have always been seen as harbingers, omens, signs, great portents of THINGS TO COME that are of a portentous, stupendous, earth-shaking nature!!

And in fact such an even did occur. The Battle of Tannenberg. Defeat of the Imperial Russian army from which the entire tenor of warfare on the Eastern Front WW1 became the norm.

Tannenberg retribution for Grunewald five hundred years earlier?

Defeat of the unstoppable and unbeatable Russian army in a manner that was apocalyptic almost, not expected, catastrophic, a miraculous reversal of mind-boggling proportions! This all in the aftermath of 21 August! Retribution for a defeat that happened five hundred years earlier? You have to judge that.

But it was all foretold, and signs were sent, don't you see!

"I'll show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below (some day)". [Acts 2:19.21]

Oh yes, take it for what it is worth!


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