Monday, June 21, 2010


This is coolbert:

As if the Koreans and Americans do not have enough to worry about already concerning Kim and the North Korean threat.

What is one to make of this? Some sort of radiation leakage, NOT thought to be from an atomic test, but a leakage - - having a nuclear source of some sort, has been detected on the DMZ separating North from South Korea.

"Abnormal radiation detected near Korean border"

"SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Abnormally high radiation levels were detected near the border between the two Koreas days after North Korea claimed to have mastered a complex technology key to manufacturing a hydrogen bomb"

"the atmospheric concentration of xenon — an inert gas released after a nuclear explosion or and radioactive leakage from a nuclear power plant — on the South Korean side their shared border was found to be eight times higher than normal"

"a nuclear test or radioactive leakage would be the only reasons that could explain the atmospheric concentration of xenon"

THE ONLY REASONS! But somewhat inexplicable in nature. Comrade Kim continues his machinations unabated, enjoying the limelight, the notoriety. Enjoying his claim to fame with all sorts of mischief.

More on this later? Or will this "story" go nowhere? It took the U.S. about eight years from 1945 until 1953 from the first fissionable atomic detonation until a fusion reaction and hydrogen type weapon was exploded. The North Koreans have found a way to speed up the process - - going from the small to the big?


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