Sunday, June 20, 2010


This is coolbert:

"He was my friend!'

"'Conceited blockheads' - - wearing corsets and scent"

Even from the earliest age, it would seem, Adolf Hitler had an instinctive, strongly-held, deep-rooted, and base emotional response to those of the military officer class.

Thanks to sawfnews for the lead to this!

Military officers, in those years prior to the Great War [WW1], those seen in Vienna by the teenage Adolf, lieutenants and such of the Austro-Hungarian army, "hated", "despised", looked-down upon, even by a young man, a young adult, a person without even hardly any worldly experience at all.

Even as a teenager, the young Hitler had the strongest negativity directed against those of the officer elite. Persons, the officer elite, quite often of the minor nobility, refined, educated, polished men-of-the-world! An aristocracy both literal and figurative that was loathed by the man who became "the leader".

All this we know from a most surprising source. The teenage best friend of Hitler, a man named Kubiczek, an image we obtain of Hitler as a young adult from the memoirs of the man [Kubiczek]. Written after the end of the Second World War [WW2], the English translation only NOW becoming available? [a free download is available]

In particular, Hitler the teenager had an unrequited love, an infatuation for a Jewish girl, Stefani! Stefani and her mother quite often seen in the company of young officers, those of the "elite", a situation that must have been quite galling to Adolf.

"But from time to time the, two ladies [Stefani and mother] were to be seen in the company of young officers. Poor, pallid youngsters like Adolf naturally could not hope to compete with these young lieutenants in their smart uniforms. Adolf felt this intensely and gave vent to his feelings with eloquence. His anger, in the end, led him into uncompromising enmity towards the officer class as a whole, and everything military in general."


"a book – “The Young Hitler I Knew” – written by Hitler’s childhood friend August Kubizek. The uncensored account in English, published nearly 70 years after it was written"

"August (Gustl) Kubizek . . . was a close friend of Adolf Hitler when both were in their late teens. He later wrote about their friendship."

AND, as is known, during the Great War, Hitler did comport himself with honor as a soldier of some marked ability. BUT WAS NOT FELT BY HIS SUPERIORS TO BE OF OFFICER MATERIAL. WAS FELT TO BE TOO MENTALLY UNSTABLE!!

And, as is also well known, Hitler during WW2, while in command, was constantly in conflict with his most senior military commanders, constantly meddling in strategy, not trusting those he needed to rely upon for advice, etc. Contemptuous disregard for sound recommendations much to the detriment of the German soldier in the field.

And from where exactly does a young man, a teenager, develop such strongly held negativity and hate? A negativity and hate, an ENMITY carried to ridiculous extremes! You tell me.

And all this and more because of one Jewish girl - - Stefani - - and "an unrequited love"!



  1. A question that I have been pondering ... Why did Hitler serve in the German Army during WW1 and not the Austro-Hungarian army?

    Was it b/c he hated the Habsburg monarchy, the Catholicism of the monarchy or some other reason?

    I know he bounced from Vienna to Germany prior to the war and may have been living in Germany when the war broke out. But why not return to Austria to enlist with his countrymen?

  2. Bert says: In those months prior to the outbreak of WW1, Hitler reported for a conscription physical with the Austro-Hungarian army. Was found to be physcially deficient, something with his lungs, the man was probably tubercular, having the symptoms of tuberculosis but not actually suffering from the disease. Within several months of rejection, moved to Bavaria, enlisted in the Bavarian regiment, was found to BE FIT FOR SERVICE, AND SWORE PERSONAL LOYALTY TO KING LUDWIG! It was with this unit that Hitler went to war in 1914. How the man recovered so quickly and was found to be fit when just several months earlier he was considered too sickly for military service is a mystery?
