Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is coolbert:

"I would have thought such a thing to be passe', outmoded, archaic. Coastal artillery as a "doctrine" began to become irrelevant with the advent of the warplane? Around the year 1900 or so?" - - Bert.

NOT so fast Charlie Brown!

The Chinese still employ coast defense forces. Conventional artillery, anti-ship missiles and some sort of air defense. Was at one time an integral and important part of the People's Liberation Army Navy [PLAN]!

"the navy's coastal defense force forms the vanguard of China's defense from amphibious and air attack. The coastal defense troops operate a variety of artillery and missile systems that are capable of engaging air and sea targets . . . In 1958, this force fired artillery against KMT forces on the islands near the mainland. Throughout the 1960s-80s, the coastal defense troops were focused on defending China's coast from a possible Soviet sea-borne invasion."

"The principle weapon that has served with the coastal defense troops is the HY-2 coast-launched anti-ship missile . . . These missiles could be launched from either fixed emplacements, or mobile truck mounts."

"Today the primary weapons of the coastal defense troops are the HY-2, YJ-82, and C-602 anti-ship missiles."

"Though no longer a vital component of the PLAN, the coastal defense forces nonetheless would be important in any conflict to protect key PLAN coastal assets from enemy sabotage, as well as air defence."

PLAN artillery did see extensive service during the Quemoy and Matsu stand-offs.

NOT necessarily anymore "a vital component" but I am sure still a concern to American naval military planners. Any confrontation between the U.S. and China would undoubtedly involve PLAN coast defense elements!!


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