Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is coolbert:

"I would have thought such a thing to be passe', outmoded, archaic. Coastal artillery as a 'doctrine' began to become irrelevant with the advent of the warplane? Around the year 1900 or so?" - - Bert.

Once again - - NOT so fast Charlie Brown!!

Coastal artillery is alive and well - - and has reached a state-of-the-art technology - - in Russia!!

Bereg. MOBILE coastal artillery. NOT firing from a fixed position. An awesome weapon with amazing capability. Bereg! Called the A-222 in Russia.

Thanks to the Russian Navy Blog, as dated Thursday, April 15:

"And you thought coastal artillery went out with the Lindy Hop... "

"The self propelled artillery system Bereg is the only coastal artillery system of its kind in service in Russia and is based exclusively in Novorossiysk."

["based exclusively" for service in defense of the Black Sea coastline!]

"The coastal artillery system has advantages over guided missiles"

Bereg is net-centric. Receives commands are targeting data from a variety of sources.

Please read the comments to the blog entry!

And here a comment from a military forum:

"Actually fixed coastal Artillery is obsolete, Bereg offers many advantages compared to missiles especcialy cost per fired projectile. And artillery shells don;t care ECM or missile defense much, and shells don't emit radar to warn the target."

Well, this Bereg just looks bad-assed, doesn't it? And don't hope to find yourself on the receiving end of a projectile either!

I think that these modern UN-ARMORED warships of the present era would not stand up well to a hit by a round from Bereg!

[and for those of you devoted readers to the blog that are not old-timers, the Lindy Hop was a popular dance from the era of the 1930's and 1940's]


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