Saturday, May 29, 2010


This is coolbert:

"the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country." - - Prime Minister Singh.

Here from the wiki is the info on the Indian Maoists that are currently waging an insurrectionist war! A Mao-style three stage war of revolution. Out with the old, in with the new being the intention.

Maoist oriented Indian revolutionaries, have become very active lately, in for the "long haul", and disruptive in a way that just a few years ago was not thought to be possible.

"The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is a Maoist political party in India which aims to overthrow the government of India. It was founded on September 21, 2004"

Founded in 2004 BUT SHOULD NOT BE THOUGHT TO BE A RECENT PHENOMENON ONLY! From over forty years ago such Maoist inspired rebellion has been afoot in India. Called originally Naxalites.

"The CPI (Maoist) are often referred to as Naxalites in reference to the violent Naxalbari insurrection conducted by radical Maoists in West Bengal in 1967."

And - - again, adherents to the Maoist philosophy using the three-stage revolutionary guerrilla warfare concept. People's War - - People's Army!!

"It is claimed by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) that it is conducting 'people's war', a strategical line developed by Mao Zedong during the phase of guerrilla warfare of the Communist Party of China"

The Maoists of India are at somewhat of a disadvantage here? NOT able to succeed and overthrow the established regime. They lack at least one of the three criteria as enunciated by Mao for insurrectionist success??

According to Mao, the guerrilla communist "people's war" could not succeed unless three elements were present. These being:

1. Support of the people.
2. A sanctuary from which to operate.
3. The support of a foreign power.

The Indian Maoists do not have a foreign benefactor they can count upon for aid and assistance? Support of the people is there, but not widespread? Sanctuary of the jungle, the mountains, etc., is too lacking. The forest guerrilla of India is not immune from counter-guerrilla operations?

These Maoists are in their own minds are just in the beginning stage of a prolonged conflict that will drag on for decades? These "people's war" type of conflicts can go on for a long time!


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