Saturday, May 29, 2010


This is coolbert:

"'tell BP it is time to leave'."

By now devoted readers to the blog are fully aware of the oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, with disastrous results for the environment.

And how British Petroleum [BP] has made numerous apparently valiant but futile efforts to plug the blowout, using all and every conventional method in the inventory. CONVENTIONAL!!

Here - - Simmons - - an investment banker knowledgeable in the oil industry and who specializes in loaning money for oil exploration purposes - - calls for much more drastic measures. Measures hitherto never tried by American concerns - - perhaps only by the Russians?

The nuclear option. Place a nuclear munition charge near the blowout and detonate. Hopefully sealing the blowout in the process. Drastic circumstances requiring drastic measures!!

"Simmons Calls For Obama to Take Over BP; Military To Nuke Oil Leak"

"Some questions were also brought up that pertained to a nuclear device and how the military could lower one 18,000 feet into the well bore."

[the actual depth of the blowout is at 5,000 below sea level. Again, a hitherto unknown depth for this type of problem to be resolved. Oceanic pressures being what they are in waters that deep!]

"Simmons went on to say 'Such techniques have been used by the Russians on several different occasions'."

Never heard of such a thing before. Conventional explosives on the surface as done by Red Adair and Boots & Coots. But not Nukes. Use a nuke to plug an oil well blowout? This has been done by the Russians? If anyone would know, it would be Simmons?

Whoa boy!!


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