Friday, March 19, 2010


This is coolbert:

Again, from the Chicago Tribune today, more headlines pertinent to the Global War On Terror [GWOT]:

"Al-Qaida's shifting tactics a challenge for U.S. "

"Terrorist group emphasizing speed, likely success instead of complex larger attacks"

"WASHINGTON - - Al-Qaida and its affiliates have adapted their tactics to emphasize speed and probability of success over spectacle, U.S. intelligence officials believe, a shift in strategy that poses problems for spy agencies that were reorganized in recent year to stop large-scale attacks like those on Sept 11, 2001."

"al-Qaida may have come to support the new approach reluctantly, weakened by a campaign of drone strikes . . . and frustrated by its inability over the past nine years to orchestrate a strike of similar magnitude to Sept. 11."


* It has been recognized for many years that Al Qaeda was a phenomenon quite different from other terrorist organizations. Al Qaeda was rather unique from the standpoint of being: 1. Very plan-ful! 2. Very hate-ful!

AND the perpetrator of terrorist actions on the GRAND SCALE!! "Gestures" of great magnitude, not small events. Terrorist incidents of epic proportions guaranteed to get the attention of everyone!! Events such as 9/11!!

NOW, "small events" are all the bad guys can do? "Battlefield" losses, the deaths or capture of so many important operatives and leaders and a constant unremitting pressure has taken the very "stuffing" out of Al Qaeda? The "grand event", the terrorist incident on the epic scale is now out of the question?

A "shifting of tactics" from the standpoint of the U.S. is NO bad thing? An indication that all is NOT going the way as Al Qaeda would like it!!


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