Friday, March 19, 2010


This is coolbert:

From the Chicago Tribune today:

"Chicago man admits role in Mumbai attack"

"Guilty plea spares hm the from death penalty in terrorism case"

The evil-doer, the terrorist spy Daood, the accomplice to mass murder in Mumbai, has entered a plea of guilty, and presumably will spend the rest of his life in prison.

"David Coleman Headley pleaded guilty Thursday to the most significant terrorism case ever linked to Chicago, acknowledging he was an operative here who traveled to Indian multiple times to scout targets for as team of gunmen who carried out the bloody coordinated assault in Mumbai in 2008."


* I wish the main-stream media [MSM ] would stop referring to Daood as David Coleman Headley. The man merely changed his name as a ruse, a ploy, a device, to facilitate his terrorist machinations.

* Daood will NOT face extradition to India. This is a disappointment to the folks in India! Indian investigators will have access to Daood, however, and I am sure they have a long list of questions to ask the man.

* Daood is talking and "spilling the beans", and doing so freely? The proverbial "babbling brook" perhaps? Cooperation was a pre-requisite for sparing Daood from a death sentence?

* Daood is reputed to be ready to testify against his co-conspirator, Rana? Rana is NOT going to plead guilty and will stand trial? A main witness against Rana will be Daood?

Personally, I had hoped to have seen Daood extradited to India, stand trial, been found guilty, and hung. That is what the man deserved. NOW, that is not to be. Daood has made a hard bed, and now he is going to have to sleep on it, and for a LONG time too!!


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