Monday, January 25, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here from an Iranian news source [?], the type of news headline that causes a diplomatic demarche [protest] to be lodged!

"dé⋅marche – noun - 1. an action or gesture by a diplomat, esp. a formal appeal, protest, or the like."

"Report: US weapon test aimed at Iran caused Haiti quake"

"An unconfirmed report by the Russian Northern Fleets says the Haiti earthquake was caused by a flawed US Navy 'earthquake weapons' test before the weapons could be utilized against Iran."

"United States Navy test of one of its 'earthquake weapons' which was to be used against Iran, went 'horribly wrong' and caused the catastrophic quake in the Caribbean, the website of Venezuela's ViVe TV recently reported, citing the Russian report."

Disinformation of an untrue and hysterical nature that just is intended to whip up anti-American sentiment! A grievously wrong-headed malevolently thinking mentality is at work here. Stirring up a pot when none needs to be stirred?

Reports of a spurious nature from the Russians and Hugo Chavez, purportedly. Allies of the Iranians, anti-American, further signs of a disturbing trend!

At first I thought they were thinking too of the "earthquake bombs" of the Tallboy or Grand Slam variety. Massively huge penetrator weapons, Massive Ordnance Penetrator type weaponry dropped on hardened targets, creating a cavity in the earth into which the foundations of the target, hardened and deemed as impervious to conventional attack, collapse and fall!

Weaponry, massive penetrator weapons designed to "take out" the Iranian atomic sites, those facilities involved in the Iranian "bomb" project we have been hearing so much about.

In this particular case, the Alaskan HAARP project and facility is to blame? A favorite topic of Art Bell and other conspiracy theorists. A supposed TOP SECRET project that most everyone knows a smidgen about.

Please folks, this type of Cold War style propaganda is not needed. Is very counter-productive and even downright EVIL!!



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