Saturday, November 7, 2009


This is coolbert:

Came across this quite by accident. From the very good book: "The View From The Center Of The Universe".

"Recent research has demonstrated that the limiting size of a group whose members are personally connected, not only in humans but many animals, is determined by the size of the neocortex of the brain compared to the whole brain. Humans have the largest neocortex compared with brain size, and the corresponding number of individuals we can personally have relationships with is about 150. The earliest farm villages, clans among Australian Aborigines, businesses that can be organized informally, the company size in armies since the seventeenth century . . . - - all of these groups are about [number] 150 [persons]."

"The company size in armies since the seventeenth century"!

A modern infantry company consists basically of about:

Four platoons of four squads of ten men each. 4 X 4 X 10 = 160. Roughly numbering about that maximum size of 150 as mentioned in the extract from "The View From The Center Of The Universe".

A company commander cannot have a personal relationship with a unit numbering more than 150 or so? By personal relationship I take that to mean a company commander knowing by sight all the troops under his command - - their names - - their abilities, strong and weak points!! This is what is meant by personal relationship. A familiarity absolutely essential - - allowing a competent commander to wield his unit with effectiveness in combat.

A battalion commander, commanding a unit consisting of infantry companies [plural], is unable to have that same personal relationship, the size of the neocortex relative to overall brain size in the human not being adequate?

A biological imperative is at work here? Societal structures, units and organizations, civilian or military, PERSONALLY CONNECTED - - have a sound and logical physiological basis to them!!


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