Sunday, November 8, 2009


This is coolbert:

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" - - Shakespeare.

The last "dog of war" has been released from prison. Simon Mann.

"Friends welcome Simon Mann's release"

"Metropolitan Police confirm continuing investigation which could lead to some alleged conspirators in failed Equatorial Guinea coup facing trial in British courts"

"Simon Mann: 'I'll testify against Mark Thatcher in British court'"

"Simon Mann ready to help prosecute Sir Mark Thatcher"

"Simon Mann, the freed mercenary, flew back to Britain yesterday after saying he would help to prosecute Sir Mark Thatcher and others he claimed were involved in the failed coup on Equatorial Guinea."

Simon Mann, the mercenary, described as the "last dog of war" has been freed - - due to the benevolence of the African dictator of Equatorial Guinea.

Simon Mann, leading a band of fellow mercenaries, the goal of which was to overthrow the despotic regime of Equatorial Guinea. A plot that went awry, the mercenaries not even getting to "first base"! CAUGHT AND SENT FIRST TO PRISON IN ZIMBABWE!

Sixteen months in an Equatorial Guinean prison, four year in a prison in Zimbabwe prior to that, I am sure Simon Mann is grateful he is a free man. The original sentence by the court was thirty-four years. Sixteen months is considerably less and some very powerful strings had to be pulled for Simon to have been let out so early.

And the man [Mann] is talking.

Says he will turn states evidence if certain co-conspirators are indicted and brought to trial. Heavy hitters within English society are accused and now are in the sights of prosecutors?

An oil baron, a real estate tycoon, AND SIR MARK THATCHER [son of Lady Thatcher] ARE ALL IMPLICATED? Jack Straw the current serving Home Secretary was also in on the plot at least in regard to having "knowledge" of the conspiracy? Mann is spilling the beans on fellow co-conspirators, those also wishing to participate in the coup d'etat of which Simon was the military leader!

We have not heard the last of Simon Mann, have we? Book and film deal, talk shows, testimony, etc. NOT the last.

For those of you who are interested, go to this web site and see the origins and meaning of the Shakespearean phrase: "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war"


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