Monday, July 20, 2009


This is coolbert:

Those German surface raiders, both during World War One and Two, represent unconventional/guerrilla warfare as fought as sea?

Unconventional naval fighters, having the attributes of the guerrilla fighter on land - - attacking where the enemy is weak, avoiding where the enemy is strong, appearing without warning, disappearing without a trace, constantly on the move, capturing supplies and gathering intelligence from the enemy as they go, using every possible subterfuge and ruse available, etc.!

Here is another instance of naval guerrilla warfare - - as practiced by rebellious Dutch Protestants, circa the 16th century.

Watergeuzen. Also known as sea-beggars.

"Geuzen . . . was a name assumed by the confederacy of Calvinist Dutch nobles and other malcontents, who from 1566 opposed Spanish rule in the Netherlands. The most successful group of them operated at sea, and so were called Watergeuzen (English: Sea Beggars)."

"In 1569 William of Orange . . . granted letters of marque to a number of vessels manned by crews of desperadoes drawn from all nationalities. These fierce privateers . . . were called . . . Watergeuzen in Dutch. At first they were content to merely plunder both by sea and land, and carrying their booty to the English ports where they were able to refit and replenish their stores."

Watergeuzen having met the criteria as espoused by Mao for successful guerrilla warfare:

* Having the support of the people [Dutch Calvinists].
* Having a sanctuary [English ports].
* Having the support of a foreign power [England for a period of three years].

The watergeuzen, first to take to the field [the sea] in battle for their cause, became nucleus of what became the successful Dutch rebellion against despotic Spanish rule! Leaders, leading in the Dutch manner, not from land but from the sea!


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