Friday, June 26, 2009


This is coolbert:


My sincere apologies to Ed Mc Mahon.

The great showman and entertainer, television personality of the highest order, who just passed away a few days ago.

A man who held the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Marines.

I had thought originally thought that Ed having the rank of Colonel in the Marines was an "honorific" title or a public relations gimmick or such.

Surely I was wrong - - and big time too!!

Ed Mc Mahon was an outstanding Marine, an officer and war veteran of the highest caliber! Ed was not a "chocolate" soldier by any means. His record stands for itself!

"During World War II, McMahon was a fighter pilot [flying the F4 Corsair] in the United States Marine Corps serving as a flight instructor and test pilot. He was a decorated pilot (six Air Medals) and was discharged in 1946, remaining in the reserves."

"After college, McMahon returned to active duty . . . He was sent to Korea in February 1952. He flew unarmed OE-1 Bird Dogs on 85 tactical air control and artillery spotting missions. He remained in the Marine Corps Reserve, retiring with the rank of Colonel in 1966 and was then commissioned as a Brigadier General in the California Air National Guard."

The ancestors of Ed were also men of distinguished military accomplishments. Very much so also. French aristocrats and men of honor. Serving proudly and valiantly - - just as did Ed.

"Several of his ancestors, including the Marquis d'Equilly, also had long and distinguished military careers. Patrice MacMahon, duc de Magenta was a Marshal of armies in France, serving under Napoleon III"

My apologies again to Ed! May he rest in well deserved peace.


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