Sunday, June 28, 2009


This is coolbert:

Regarding Normandy, D-Day, the battle of France [1944]!

Here from the World War Two [WW2] recollections of of Dal E.

A man who fought his way across France in 1944 as a member of the US Army 29th ID, ending the war as an officer in charge of a displaced persons camp in Czechoslovakia.

American troops [British and Canadian too?] prior to D-Day were briefed NOT to be too friendly with the residents of Normandy, and NOT to expect too much friendliness in return.

There was an unknown quantity among the French population. Collaborationists that were working for the German.

Pro-fascist elements among the French, actively supporting, aiding and abetting the German occupier. NOT necessarily Vichy, but nonetheless, a threat to allied troops.

"French collaborationnistes and collaborators - - [the] term collaborationnistes to refer to fascists and Nazi sympathizers"

"Parti Populaire Français (PPF) [and had as]. . . A principal motivation and ideological foundation among collaborationnistes was anticommunism and the desire to see the defeat of the Bolsheviks."

"A number of the French advocated fascist philosophies even before the occupation - - [and were organized into] . . . paramilitary organizations with a fascist leaning"

Organizations to include:

* "Légion Française des Combattants" (LFC) (French Legion of Fighters).

* "Amis de la Légion".

* "Légion Française des Combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution Nationale" (French Legion of Fighters and Volunteers of the National Revolution).

* "Service d'Ordre Légionnaire" (SOL).

French fascists - - a small [?] number of them existing, but still posing a recognized threat to allied forces. Allied commanders were cognizant of this potentially hostile force of collaborationists, warning their troops in advance to be measured, cautious, and wary of the Norman and French civilians?!

There ARE instances of French collaborationists having engaged in combat AGAINST ALLIED FORCES IN THE AFTERMATH OF D-DAY!

1. German artillery was able to fire on U.S. forces, having spotting done by "someone" when ONLY French civilians were around?

2. Dal E. reports too having encountered, and seen killed a Frenchwoman, in civilian dress, taking POT-SHOTS at American troops.

This is both surprising and disheartening?!

But is in keeping with a venerable French tradition. The francs-de-tireur . A civilian, operating solely, without guidance or command, sniping at the "enemy". IN THIS CASE THE "ENEMY" WAS THE AMERICAN FORCES HAVING LANDED ON D-DAY!

The recollections of Dal E. are NOT the type of thing you will find in the history books! And not too always the type of thing you WANT to hear, but is the truth!


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