Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This is coolbert:

Has everyone been following this "story"?

Thanks to the Australian:

"Canada plane theft was 'suicide by jet' plan"

"ST LOUIS: Suicide by fighter jet was the goal of a student pilot who flew a stolen plane from Canada into the US before landing on a country road in Missouri, federal authorities say."

"Adam Dylan Leon of Ontario . . . was tailed by US fighter jets on his erratic course across the Midwest."

"The six-hour flight prompted a brief evacuation of the Wisconsin Capitol and warnings to commercial aircraft over Chicago and other cities, but terrorism is not believed to be a motive."

"A background check showed no connection to terrorism, the FBI said. Mr Leon was born in Turkey as Yavuz Berke, moved to Canada and was naturalised last year."

Adam Dylan Leon. Born Yavuz Berke. A MUSLIM? Formerly a Turk, now a naturalized citizen of Canada who stole a private plane and led American F-16 fighter aircraft on a merry chase.

Adam [Yavuz] desired to kill himself, but did not have the courage to do so? Hoped that by intruding into American airspace, flying in an erratic and dangerous manner, he would be shot down and killed?

When not shot down, out of fuel, merely landed his aircraft on a dirt road in Missouri, arrested, but only after wandering around for a bit, casually, in an apparent nonchalant manner.

This guy intruded into U.S. airspace, flew about 600 miles on his odyssey, tracked by NORAD all the way, and escorted by F-16's, BUT WAS NOT SHOT DOWN.

Let me point out that Adam [Yavuz] was within range of a most critical American mid-western weapons facility: Newport Chemical Depot (NECD) Newport, Indiana. One false move of Adam [Yavuz] toward Newport and those F-16's would have fired?

NECD, a facility where VX nerve gas is still stored? [a program that began [?] in 2004 to destroy the chemical agent within 2 1/2 years has been completed?].

"Newport Chemical Depot (NECD or the Depot) is located in west central Indiana, approximately 2 miles south of Newport and 70 miles west of Indianapolis."

"The nerve agent VX stockpiled at Newport is stored in 1,690 steel ton containers inside a single warehouse constructed of corrugated steel sheet metal."

Crashing an aircraft into this "single warehouse" could release a plume of VX gas that might contaminate and kill everyone in an area of immense size. Prodigious casualties would be the result - - rural area or no rural area!!

Such an act of terror would surely terrorize, casualties or no casualties.

Those F-16's would have been given the order to shoot by that USAF general stationed in Florida? President Obama is out of the country? Delegation of the order to "shoot" would have been in the hands of a senior USAF officer.

MANPAD are also in place at NECD? Who knows! That would be classified. But, hell, see the aerial photos of the storage warehouse from the Global Security web site for yourself.

Consider this too from my paranoid mind. This was a drill? A rehearsal? A test? Reconnaissance carried out to see what sort of response occurs seven years after 9/11? How alert is NORAD and what action do they take, even for a small private plane, on an errant and potentially dangerous course! Anyone else see any of this?


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